About Us

We couldn't find the gear we wanted so we decided to open our own tackle shop. We fish from Baja California to the Central Coast. It is our intent to carry rods, reels, and tackle that is specific to our local fishing. Our focus will be to carry the niche tackle we use and have difficulty finding in other shops.

We Are Your Local Tackle Shop, but Online.

Unlike other online stores, our focus is customer service. We want to be a resource and provide value to our customers. We use the tackle and equipment we sell.

If you don’t see something you want, let us know and we will try to get it in stock. 

Local Delivery

Ask about local delivery options.

What hot?

We will continually post the most up to date information about hot bites and hot new lures


We are in the process of creating How to Videos.

Social Media

We are adding social media to the site soon to share hot bite information quickly.

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